The Canyon Democrats invite you to celebrate Earth Day 2021 with presentations & workshops about our environment and sustainability
Presentation 1: Impact of toxic pesticides on our health & how to eliminate their use Presenter: Ayn Craciun, Policy Advocate for the Climate Action Campaign
Presentation 2: Organic Landscaping: Best practices and policies in OC
Presenter: Vanessa Armstrong, Organic Land Care expert
Presentation 3: 18 Things you should NOT recycle curbside! Presenter: Ann Owens, Educator and Canyon Dems member
Following the presentations each speaker will host a break-out room for questions and discussion.
About the presenters
Ayn Craciun is a policy advocate for the Climate Action Campaign. She is a founding board member of Non-Toxic Irvine, a group which successfully advocated for the City of Irvine’s adoption of an organic landscaping policy to bring an end to Irvine’s use of fossil fuel-based pesticides.
Ayn began her journey as an environmental advocate in 2015 after she learned that three children in her Irvine neighborhood of 1,700 homes had been diagnosed with brain tumors.
Ayn is focused on facilitating the adoption of Zero Carbon Action and Adaptation plans and growing city participation in Orange County’s first ever Community Choice Energy Program – the OC Power Authority.
Vanessa Armstrong has successfully advocated since 2012 for the removal of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers in public municipalities by supporting the transition from conventional landscape to organic land care
practices. She helped to pass Costa Mesa’s organics first policy and consults with other OC municipalities for organic land care transitions.
Vanessa holds a certificate in Permaculture Design from The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano, an accreditation in organic land care from the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) and was a co-writer for the Organic Land Care Project (OLCP).
Ann Owens is a retired history teacher with over 20 years teaching experience. She is a passionate activist for all environmental issues and challenges, with a focus on their impact on the wellbeing of future generations. Ann is also a volunteer par excellence for the Canyon Democrats. Her contributions greatly contribute to the success and vibrancy of the club…they are truly invaluable.
Friday, April 23, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
The Canyon Democrats invite you to celebrate Earth Day 2021 with presentations & workshops about our environment and sustainability
Presentation 1: Impact of toxic pesticides on our health & how to eliminate their use
Presenter: Ayn Craciun, Policy Advocate for the Climate Action Campaign
Presentation 2: Organic Landscaping: Best practices and policies in OC
Presenter: Vanessa Armstrong, Organic Land Care expert
Presentation 3: 18 Things you should NOT recycle curbside!
Presenter: Ann Owens, Educator and Canyon Dems member
Following the presentations each speaker will host a break-out room for questions and discussion.
About the presenters
Ayn began her journey as an environmental advocate in 2015 after she learned that three children in her Irvine neighborhood of 1,700 homes had been diagnosed with brain tumors.
Ayn is focused on facilitating the adoption of Zero Carbon Action and Adaptation plans and growing city participation in Orange County’s first ever Community Choice Energy Program – the OC Power Authority.
Vanessa Armstrong has successfully advocated since 2012 for the removal of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers in public municipalities by supporting the transition from conventional landscape to organic land care
practices. She helped to pass Costa Mesa’s organics first policy and consults with other OC municipalities for organic land care transitions.
Vanessa holds a certificate in Permaculture Design from The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano, an accreditation in organic land care from the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) and was a co-writer for the Organic Land Care Project (OLCP).
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