Topics: A brief history of U.S.-Ukraine relations in the post-Soviet era, Russian aggression against Crimea and Eastern Ukraine and the challenges Ukraine faces as it reinforces relationships with the United States and other countries.
Presenter: Michael Getto is an electoral and public policy consultant who administered democracy and governance and economic reform programming in Ukraine and nine other former Soviet republics, including Russia, for 16 years. Michael also worked in governance reform and election monitoring in the Balkan countries of Serbia, Slovenia and Romania. He is now based in Aliso Viejo where is an active member of the Aliso Niguel and South Orange County Democratic Clubs.
Board elections will also take place at the January meeting.
The following slate of officers for 2019 is presented by the Nominating Committee:
Chair – Louise Adler Vice Chair – Fay McIntosh Treasurer – Ken Johnson Secretary – Andrea Alexander
Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the meeting. Members will then vote by ballot and the results will be announced at the meeting. If there are no candidate nominations at the meeting, then the slate of officers presented by the Nominating Committee will be accepted.
We are also continuing our Welcome Corner! Between 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM, new attendees will be greeted and encouraged to meet some of our already active members, find out more about the club and share your concerns and ideas. We need everyone if we’re going to flip South Orange County blue. So please stop by and say hi!
DON’T FORGET! Political Outreach is collecting donations to help the homeless right here in Orange County. Bring any extra unused travel or hotel toiletries to this month’s meeting to help contribute. This includes disposable razors and toothbrushes!
CLICK HEREto find out more about how you can help combat homelessness in our community.
Program for January 15, 2019
Eyewitness: Ukraine
Presenter: Michael Getto
Topics: A brief history of U.S.-Ukraine relations in the post-Soviet era, Russian aggression against Crimea and Eastern Ukraine and the challenges Ukraine faces as it reinforces relationships with the United States and other countries.
Presenter: Michael Getto is an electoral and public policy consultant who administered democracy and governance and economic reform programming in Ukraine and nine other former Soviet republics, including Russia, for 16 years. Michael also worked in governance reform and election monitoring in the Balkan countries of Serbia, Slovenia and Romania. He is now based in Aliso Viejo where is an active member of the Aliso Niguel and South Orange County Democratic Clubs.
Board elections will also take place at the January meeting.
The following slate of officers for 2019 is presented by the Nominating Committee:
Chair – Louise Adler
Vice Chair – Fay McIntosh
Treasurer – Ken Johnson
Secretary – Andrea Alexander
Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the meeting. Members will then vote by ballot and the results will be announced at the meeting. If there are no candidate nominations at the meeting, then the slate of officers presented by the Nominating Committee will be accepted.
We are also continuing our Welcome Corner! Between 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM, new attendees will be greeted and encouraged to meet some of our already active members, find out more about the club and share your concerns and ideas. We need everyone if we’re going to flip South Orange County blue. So please stop by and say hi!
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