Member Spotlight: Deborah Sacker

This is the first in our new “Member Spotlight” series. Our goal is to introduce some of our awesome members, and hear more about why they choose to be involved with Canyon Dems.

Our first spotlight shines on member Deborah Sacker. Here is a bit more about Deborah — her story in her own words:

“My first recollection of participating in Political action, was as a 13 year old, full of sparkle and moxie, wearing unsterilized, questionable metal McGovern campaign buttons through my ear piercings as the adults in my life ceaselessly ‘tsk-tsked’ my audacious dramatics.

In 2008 and 2012, after participating in the first Camp Obama Community Organizing training sessions in the California capital region, I worked as 2nd to the lead in Sacramento county’s then CD35, successfully flipping the historically Conservative/Republican district to a 51% Democratic majority. Then magnifying that gain with an exhaustively aggressive GOTV effort, which to our relief and delight, eventually removed Dan Lungren from the Congress and elected Dr. Ami Bera to his former seat. I am pleased that the seat has continued to be filled by Dr. Bera, and with an uncannily similar diverse population mix as south Sacramento county, and as we seek the strongest Democratic candidate for 2018, I “feel it in the air” that this will be our opportunity to finally break through the historic Republican majority in this weakening conservative stronghold. From the press I read that’s not a hollow expectation.

My most rewarding and reassuring moments when working a campaign are those that are face-to-face, mind-to-mind. I love striking up a relaxed conversation, feeling out what political beliefs and opinions -if any- the person in front of me has, asking questions that help me know if this is a potential Democratic voter, being polite to those who I suspect are unshakable in their differing preferences, and moving on quickly to those who I sense are open to considering a more Progressive -or at least a less Conservative- approach.

I have found that many new or first generation citizens from other countries of origin may never have participated in political action, or an election, in spite of their citizenship! I then ask them what they think motivated their parents or perhaps their own action to make their way here. I find over and over that while political participation is not always their first response, they have plenty that’s good to say about this country, including wonder that at times like this, when so much seems to be working against forward progress, still having the freedom to express their often negative reactions to current events.

Once the conversation takes that tone, it is not hard to share that many others in the last 200 and more years have contributed to huge progress in this country, and how important every bit of participation is.

And then I offer them a pen, and a registration card! I can’t recall ever being told, ‘No Thanks…’ or refusing Vote by Mail registration.

But I also know being heavy-handed has always been my biggest error. I care deeply about people, and honor and respect the hardships and challenges of newcomers to the U.S. Being sincerely interested in their story, and sharing a bit of my own immigrant family’s history (especially with young registrants) goes a long way in encouraging them let their political lights shine, and become fully involved members of this Nation.

Ironically, it was I who I believe was the first in our Democratic Community to engage with Sanam Javidnia, highlighted beautifully in this piece. She is an incredible, warm, open, lively, upbeat, positive person of strong will and good heart, who had time to talk with me at the Mission Ranch Market. The best of the best of those joining the American family, and an inspiration to anyone thinking they are in a tough spell of it. I left our conversation feeling enriched and invigorated and determined to keep breathing though the horror that is this faltering Administration, knowing, we are all still here, and just tired, hurt, and bamboozled sometimes by the weakness of many in office.

But for me, that’s the kick in the rear that keeps me going, and will help me as I begin my registration efforts this month, encouraging new voters to hold on to their dreams of great possibilities for life in this country, and restart those who, understandably are quite overwhelmed with the events of the day, but capable of being recharged and encouraged to add their efforts to this year’s election, by voting, by sending others to us to register, to become a Ballot Buddie by making a commitment to a partner to get each other’s ballots in, and give deep consideration to jumping in when the call goes out for phone banks, GOTV efforts, or maybe guiding extended family members to participate despite their resistance.

While the needs of my aging parents increase, and the time impacts of preparing to return to work tug at me, I am glad to know there are others around me concerned about current events and am fully confident that all of our efforts combined can have historic impact!

Looking forward to participating with many of you. May 2018 see remarkable progress!”

Thank you Deborah. We look forward to working with you in 2018. Together, we can bring the blue wave to Orange County!

Canyon Dem members, we want to hear from you. Your voices are important as we work toward turning Orange County blue. If you would like to share your story with our group, please complete the form below. Once received, our Communications Team will contact you to get started.